If you’re a health science student, please review the information below to find out more on specific requirements for your plan of study.

These requirements are NOT for incoming first year (freshmen) students who want to eventually pursue a health science profession. They are needed before starting the first semester of Medical school, Nursing, Dental, Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, Physician Assistant, Radiation Science, Athletic Training, Nurse Midwife, Perfusion, Masters of Clinical Nutrition, and Speech Pathology programs. They are not required for students in "pre-" or "interest" programs.  You will have time to complete once you are officially accepted into those programs!

All professional students starting a health science program should submit all records to student-immunizations@uiowa.edu.

Health Science Student Requirements Checklist

  • Use of the form is optional (unless your program has directed you to use it) but you might find it very helpful to make sure you complete all the requirements- use it as a checklist/worksheet. Other documentation such as official immunization records and or/medical records will be accepted.  Titers and other lab tests require a copy of the lab results report to be sent.  

Two-Step TST Protocol

  • We need placement AND reading dates for your TST, in order to be accepted as valid.  If you are retrieving from UIHC ReadySet, make sure you submit both the Application record and the Reading record!

Health Screen Form

  • REQUIRED; included in the requirements form above; submit separately if not using the form

History Of Positive TB Screening Results Form (only for those with history of positive TB screening result, if not completed at Student Health.

  • If you have a positive TB test history, please also send us records of your positive test, including a copy of your chest x-ray result/reading, and any treatment done for latent or active TB.

Certain UI health science programs and rotation sites require an annual flu shot. Check with your program coordinator/ shadowing/rotation sites for any requirements they may have in place.